Welcome to the WOI Mortal Forums. I am GM Bastet This forum is here to provide you with a friendly environment where you can discuss all aspects of WOI Mortal with other players. Community forums work best when participants treat their fellow posters with respect and courtesy, so we ask that you take the time to read through the Forum Rules and guidelines before posting.


Always check the stickies: Please check relevant sticky threads as they contain very helpful information and check if someone else has already posted a similar thread, which may already provide the answer you seek. The search function can be very useful for this. Multiple threads with the same subject will be removed.

Useful Thread Titles: If your thread does not have a coherent thread title, it is possible that your thread will be deleted, not replied to, or edited without notice. Titles and threads that are in all capitals will be locked, edited, or removed at the Community Manager’s, GM’s or Moderator’s discretion. DO NOT ASK for a GM in your thread title, It will be automatically trashed/sent to the underworld, where it will be measured and found wanting!

Post in the correct place: If a thread is posted in the wrong area of the forum, it may be moved to the correct area at the Moderator’s discretion.

Technical Support: Technical support is not officially offered on these Forums. Any threads regarding requests for technical support will be looked at by other players. For official technical support we request you send us a ticket at https://support.woimortal.com/

Repeated behavior deemed inappropriate by the Administrator or GM’s may result in your account being suspended/banned from the forums/game. Inappropriate behavior includes, but is not limited to, the following:
  • Anything sexually related or nudity of any kind
  • Anything related to illegal drugs or substances
  • Any form of threat, vulgar, racist, homophobic, profane, religious, obscene, or otherwise negative remarks/comments deemed inappropriate by the Game Moderators/Game Master.
  • Flaming: hostile argument or insulting another forum user, or his/her point of view. Please note that flaming back in response to another user is also a breach of the rules and will be treated as such.
  • Trolling: Attempts to incite others to anger, or cause frustration or upset; also attempts to incite flaming or ridicule another person.
  • Misquoting: Changing a person's words in a quote to cause inaccuracy, defame, or to otherwise cause problems.
  • Discussions about Politics and Religion: As this forum is used by different age groups, cultural, and religious backgrounds, all discussions with political and/or religious content are prohibited.
  • No power-posting, spamming, bumping and/or flaming

Links to Malicious Websites/Content: The publication of damaging or malicious links to websites and/or pages, which contain content that is not allowed within the forum, is also prohibited.

Posting Private Information: Please do not post any personal information on the forums. This includes your e-mail address, instant messenger ID, phone number, or username. Doing so greatly increases the chances that your account could be compromised by third parties and as a result any posts containing private contact information will be edited or deleted at the moderator’s discretion. If you have a query directly relating to an account, a character, or similar, please contact Customer Support via the Help Desk at https://support.woimortal.com/

Impersonation: Pretending to be someone you’re not is considered a malicious act and will be dealt with accordingly. This includes, but is not restricted to, falsely impersonating member of the WOI Mortal Team or another player. In addition, this prohibits one player from using multiple accounts to post multiple times, in a single thread.

Spam: In order to keep the forum junk free; forum users are not allowed to post unwanted, irrelevant, annoying, or repeated messages. Any form of advertising not related to WOI Mortal is strictly prohibited. Comments like "IBTL" or "First" constitute spamming

Off topic: Please do not stray from the topic stated within the body of the thread by its creator. Threads that have gone off topic will be edited, split, or locked. Threads posted in the incorrect section of the forum will be moved. Threads that are created with the sole purpose of having no meaning whatsoever will be removed from the forum.

Hijacking: Taking control of another person's post to forward your own agenda will result in having your posts removed from that thread. Repeated hijackings can result in a ban from the forums/game.

Bans: Bans will not be discussed openly on the forums for any reason. Any thread or post created for this purpose will be removed without notice. If you wish to discuss a ban, please send a ticket at https://support.woimortal.com/.

No representing banned members (in-game and in our forums).

• Don't represent any banned individuals: They were banned for a reason. Assisting them in any way or form will lump you in the same boat. This includes posting from your alt to ask about one of your own characters being banned from the forums.

• No public discussion about disciplinary action administered to members: If you have any questions regarding rules, disciplinary actions, user bans, or even a thread move, please contact the Support or use the PM function of the board to contact us.

Thread Locked/Removal Discussion: Discussing a locked or removed thread is forbidden and any posts found regarding this will be removed. These threads were locked or moved for a reason. If you would like to discuss why a particular thread was locked or removed, please send a ticket to https://support.woimortal.com/

No mouthing off at staff: Most of our staff are players like you and volunteer to make your experience better. Mouthing off at staff is not allowed. If you feel a staff member is abusing his power, you can use the ticketing system to report them. We will keep the result of the investigation private at our own discretion

Post only in English
These guidelines are subject to change at the discretion of the GM's/Server admin